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We knew OLS would be reliable allies

When we started our business, we chose a solution that fit our needs at the time, however, within the last few years, it’s become apparent that we needed a flexible solution that provided API integration, scalability across the infrastructure, and better engineer support and response as we are a highly active logistics site. We were keen to work with OLS as our installer, they are an ACRE Gold Integration partner and operate within global markets, so we knew they would be reliable allies.

Joel Thompson, Director
Ascott Transport Limited

Ascott Transport Limited (ATL) began as a family-run logistics service provider with roots dating back sixty years. They are now a thriving 20 million logistics business with over three hundred employees. ATL operates across 1.1 million square feet of warehousing, much of which is high-bay located on a 25-acre site. Their fleet is supported by state-of-the-art technology. It includes around 100 commercial vehicles and 150 trailers and can provide customized logistic solutions.

The Challenge

With the rapid development of technology required in the transportation and logistics industry, ATL needed a solution capable of API integration with third-party software platforms and fire muster reporting software across the organization. Their current solution was outdated and incapable of fulfilling their needs.

The Solution

The ACT365 solutions has allowed ATL the opportunity to expand to all of their sites in the future; and with this new investment comes the ability to deploy multiple integrations for users, additional access rights, and overall site security

ATL took notice of the criticisms of their current security solution and decided to conduct a customer and site survey. After this occurred, the issues were evident. The ATL team agreed on a clear solution that included a road map of future requirements and attributes to be grandfathered in with a phased approach as the business continued to scale. ATL learned that to future-proof their infrastructure and have the best possible ROI; they required a cloud-based platform.

ATL needed to ensure that any new hardware chosen would work with their existing Mifare range of credentials. After researching options, they ultimately decided upon ACRE’s cloud-based solution, ACT365. “Because the team had created a list of needs and a roadmap for the future, the obvious choice for us was ACT365,” said Lauren Dearing (OLS Sales Manager). “With ACT365 as an OLS Gold integration partner, we knew we could achieve the API flexibility we needed and create custom integrations with multiple databases going forward if required.” ACT1040 MF Pro readers were also installed at the site, creating a more secure and aesthetically pleasing upgrade for the facility.

Receiving the robust IK08 and IP67 rating also meant that the system could be used in a heavy usage environment to protect all external and internal doors while providing an easy-to-use reference for all users. Therefore through partnering with English Integrator OLS, multiple ACT365 ACUs were deployed across the site to connect all entrances to the network and cloud. ATL also chose to integrate fire muster reporting by installing new turnstile entry points accounting for individuals on or off-site and enhancing the overall site security and management.

ACT365 is scalable and developed to permit the remote access management of single or numerous locations, all from an easy-to-use interface. Each Access Control Unit (ACU) is a single-door IP controller and attaches to Web-based software hosted in Microsoft Azure. Users can quickly edit or remove user authorizations, remotely watch system health and unlock a door from a PC, tablet, or smartphone.

The Results

ACT365 presents an intuitive dashboard that supplies users with a comprehensive status display of hardware to guarantee there are no issues with the system. “The ACT365 solutions has allowed ATL the opportunity to expand to all of their sites in the future; and with this new investment comes the ability to deploy multiple integrations for users, additional access rights, and overall site security, ” said Lauren.

For ATL, cloud-based access control authorizes the integrator support team to access the system from any location to assist in troubleshooting problems and advising users on how to make modifications step by step. “The cloud has provided them a straightforward way to monitor multiple sites without investing in additional servers,” said Lauren.

“We were keen to work with OLS as our installer,” said Joel. They are an ACRE Gold Integration partner and operate within global markets, so we knew they would be reliable allies.” OLS specializes in access control and assisting customers with transitioning to the cloud and SAAS products.

ACT365 allows the operator to activate doors and examine their status from any major web-based browser or through the ACT365 app, as well as make rapid remote adjustments to details, including reworking access privileges. When employees arrive or depart locations, access can be granted or revoked remotely and easily without the need for security or IT individuals on-site, saving organization personnel expenses.

ACT365 is scalable enough to protect other doors as new buildings are added or need renovations. ATL is in the process of expanding the system, including obtaining further coverage of their facilities. The solution can also incorporate remote video management tied to the access control system and intrusion detection, which ATL can explore later if they so choose.

“The ACRE and OLS relationship has become a beneficial partnership, even though it was born out of necessity. With excellent customer service coming from account management, IT, and marketing, it has become an invaluable relationship for OLS and our customer base. As an integrator specializing in transitioning customers to the cloud, we are proud to work with ACRE and know that our customer base is getting the greatest and latest technology with ACT365.”

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Offering cloud access control solutions for your business, helping you transition to cloud-based technologies.


A fully-managed installation service with ongoing maintenance and support.


In-house software developers to integrate security systems with your existing business software.


Dedicated and committed team of security experts with a solution-driven approach.


Over 50 years of combined experience and knowledge in business security.


Customer-focused approach and passion proving high customer retention.

Proud to work with leading suppliers

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acre approved diamond partner
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Customers we work with

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